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Author Session: Dr. Ali Hussain

Author Session: Dr. Ali Hussain

About the Session

Dr. Ali Hussain’s book A Nostalgic Remembrance: Sufism and the Breath of Creativity delves into the metaphysical aspects of the creative process by drawing insights from Sufi sage Ibn al-ʿArabi and other mystics. The book’s central themes are twofold: first, making connections where none seem possible, and second, translating the ineffable into the tangible.

The book’s first part explores metaphysical foundations that apply universally to all creative endeavours. It touches on the significance of storytelling, the creative process as a hidden treasure unfolding, and the role of the artist as both creator and creation. The chapter on imagination and paradox delves into the complexities of creativity.

In the second part, the book delves into various art forms, including the written arts, visual arts, auditory arts, and moving arts. It also expands the discussion to the role of creativity in society and mythology. The final chapter offers concluding remarks, summarising the book’s goals and setting the stage for further discussions.

Overall, this book explores the profound connection between mysticism and the creative process, offering valuable insights for those interested in the intersection of spirituality and artistry.

About the Author

Dr. Ali Hussain has a doctoral degree in Islamic Studies from the University of Michigan, Department of Middle Eastern Studies. His research focuses on the image of Jesus Christ AS in the writings of the Andalusian mystic Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-‘Arabi (QS).

Alongside this academic tract, Dr. Hussain has also studied classical Islam with various prominent Muslim scholars. Most notably, in 2013, he studied for 3 months in Dar al-Mustafa in Tarim, Yemen with his eminence Habib Umar b. Hafidh, where he studied Qur’an, Hadith and the science of Ihsan.

Since 2015, Dr. Hussain has also accompanied his eminence Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, and learned from him the various Islamic disciplines.

Dr. Hussain is also a creative writer, musician and photographer.

Purchase book: Click here


Date: 31 December 2023, Sunday
Time: 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Singapore
Venue: Reading Loft (Level 2, stairs onlyWardah Books, 58 Bussorah Street S(199474)

Free, but registration required. Register here:

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