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Author Session with Vivy Yusof

Author Session with Vivy Yusof


  • Book signing limited to the first 80 persons
  • Queue numbers will be given out from 10:30 am
  • Max 2 copies for signing per person; no limit for sale of books
  • Pre-ordered books have not been signed. If you pre-ordered a copy, you may collect your order on the event day. However, the book will only be signed if you are one of the first 80 persons.

We apologize for the limit to the number of persons due to time constraints.


Author Session (Book Signing)

with the author of The First Decade: My Journey from Blogger to Entrepreneur

Vivy Yusof started blogging about random things and a decade later, has a fashion empire. She co-founded the FashionValet Group in 2010 with her boyfriend and has grown the multi-million dollar company into household names in her country, Malaysia.

Her brand dUCk is the largest modest fashion brand in Asia and was the first to collaborate with international brands like Disney, Mattel, Sephora amongst many others. A law graduate from London School of Economics, Vivy would have much preferred if she learned software engineering instead. She has been an A-student all her life, and even took her SPM and A-Levels simultaneously, something she would never recommend to others.

Vivy Yusof has been featured in many local and international publications like Business of Fashion, The New York Times and Forbes. She was also named as one of 'Forbes 30 Under 30', and selected as a Young Global Leader by World Economic Forum. 

Purchase book: Click here


Date: 12 February 2023 (Sunday)
Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Singapore
Venue: Loft (Level 2, staircase only), Wardah Books, 58 Bussorah Street S(199474) 

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