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Read-Aloud Session with Far'ain Jaafar

Read-Aloud Session with Far'ain Jaafar

About the Author

Far'ain Jaafar is an author-educator to five picture books (and counting)! She also enjoys reading books as much as writing stories. The library and bookstores are some of her favourite places. She dreams of being there all day long.

As an educator, Far'ain consciously includes books in her teaching. She loves watching the sparkle in the eyes of her students whenever they journey through a book together. Far'ain is qualified in the field of education with a diploma, bachelor's degree and master's degree in early childhood education.

Her goals in life are simple - to keep writing and reading books for as long as she possibly can, to be a healthy mother to her children, and to figure out the solution for world peace.

Far'ain will be reading from her book Uncle Daniel's Favourite Colour, published by EPIGRAM and illustrated by Nisa' Tuzzakirah.

About the Book 

Everyone has a favourite colour, even Uncle Daniel, who is blind. Guess what it is!

Purchase book: Click here


Date: 25 Feb 2023, Saturday
Time: 11:00 am Singapore
Venue: Children's Section, Wardah Books, 58 Bussorah Street S(199474)

No registration required
Best for Children ages 4 - 7

Previous article Satay! Read-Aloud Session with Far'ain Jaafar