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Author Session with A. Helwa: Zoom Recording

Author Session with A. Helwa: Zoom Recording

On Sunday 8 November 2020 we were extremely honoured to host A. Helwa, author of Secrets of Divine Love.

What stuck with us during the session was not so much what Helwa said but rather how she says things. She is generous with her conversation, deeply appreciative of questions and points of view, always taking great care to be sure that people know that they are being heard and that what they say and feel matters.

During the session, Helwa read some passages from her book and reminded everyone that every single person is here on Earth for a purpose. We are each created by a loving and merciful God who created our circumstances, our opportunities, our sustenance, just so that we can fulfil the purpose He, in His Wisdom, entrusts us.

We have made the recording of the session available for everyone to revisit.

Click here.

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