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Wardah Books Readers' Choice 2021

Wardah Books Readers' Choice 2021

Salaam Dear Reader, It's official. You have voted and we have tallied up the results. The Wardah Books Readers’ Choice 2021 is: Alhamdulillah Saves the Day by Ukhti Husni (Homely Hammock)

Here are some comments submitted by readers:

"Alhamdulillah Saves the Day is one of the books I read to my baby who was warded for 387 days. It really reminds us to be grateful to the All Mighty."
"A simple yet meaningful children’s story that teaches children that despite any challenge we face, we should always take things in a positive light."
"Alhamdulillah Saves the Day easily teaches my kid how a simple tahmid carries a huge impact if we practise it wholeheartedly."
"After reading it to my kids the idea of saying Alhamdulillah in any situation got to them and whenever they whine for something we just remind them of Hannah Horse."
"It is relevant for everyone."
"A great book to keep little readers engaged! My 3 year old loves the book and can even say what's coming up next in the following page. Alhamdulillah."
"Both my daughter and I enjoy reading this book, and she always quotes it."
"My daughters (3 and 4 years old) love reading Alhamdulillah Saves The Day as the story has interesting characters and they get to practice saying ‘Alhamdulillah’. They are also always reflecting on their own experiences in school when we read this book before bedtime."

We reached out to the authors to tell them the good news, and they had this to say:

What else can we say but "Alhamdulillah"! When we received news that our book, ‘Alhamdulillah Saves the Day’ was Wardah Book’s Readers’ Choice 2021, we were pleasantly surprised especially since our book looked so out of place compared to the more serious adult books.
We're glad to know that children's literature is being appreciated and we're so thankful that the book has resonated with so many. Although the story is presented in a fun, light-hearted way, the message in it is profound and memorable. We think it is due to the layers in meaning that the book appeals to both the young and old.
It is a book that reminds us to be grateful for whatever we’ve been given- to say ‘Alhamdulillah’ when most others would not even think of saying it. We usually tend to focus on our present moment and when things do not go our way, we complain or lose hope. But the beauty of being a believer is to be thankful no matter what situation we find ourselves in, because Allah has planned something beautiful for us.
This outlook on life is something we want to inculcate in our children and in ourselves. It’s amazing how perspectives can alter someone’s worldview and this is what we aim to do with ‘Alhamdulillah saves the Day.”
Let’s raise a generation of grateful children InshaAllah.

All we really need to know in life, we learn at the lap of our parents even before we are fully self-aware. So we are so glad to see a children's book claim top spot for Readers' Choice this year. Alhamdulillah Saves the Day gives out an indispensable life lesson: in whatever condition you find yourself in, your state should be gratitude. And the most fundamental verbalisation of this gratitude is 'Alhamdulillah'.

The most beautiful sound is a child saying 'Alhamdulillah' on their own accord when they run into things in the tumble of their day. And for a parent hearing that little voice say 'Alhamdulillah', for a moment, all is right in the world. It is such a gift.


Purchase this book: Alhamdulillah Saves the Day 

Other titles by Homely Hammock.

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