Book of Great Quotes
Flamur Vehapi
Gems from Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali (r.a.)
These wise leaders – the first four caliphs in Islam – left behind a legacy that is unmatched in human history.
Inspired by the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w., to this day the first four caliphs continue to touch hearts and inspire lives throughout the globe.
A Brief Timeline of the Early Caliphate
The Caliphs and the Caliphate
On the Divine
On Time and the Life of this World
On Self-Control and Vain Desires
On Truthfulness, Honesty and Intention
On Wrongdoing and Sin
On Justice and Integrity
On the Hereafter and Preparing for It
On Trials, Hope and Self-Improvement
On Matters of Faith
On Character and Manners
On Knowledge