Women and Gender in Islam (Veritas)
Leila Ahmed
Kecia Ali (Foreword, 2021 edition)
Paperback, 312 pages
Historical Roots of a Modern Debate
A classic, pioneering account of the lives of women in Islamic history, republished for a new generation
This pioneering study of the social and political lives of Muslim women has shaped a whole generation of scholarship. In it, Leila Ahmed explores the historical roots of contemporary debates, ambitiously surveying Islamic discourse on women from Arabia during the period in which Islam was founded to Iraq during the classical age to Egypt during the modern era. The book is now reissued with a new foreword by Kecia Ali situating the text in its scholarly context and explaining its enduring influence.
1: The Pre-Islamic Middle East
Mediterranean Middle East
2: Founding Discourses
Women and the Rise of Islam
The Transitional Age
Elaboration of the Founding Discourses
Medieval Islam
3: New Discourses
Social and Intellectual Change
The Discourse of the Veil
The First Feminists
Divergent Voices
The Struggle for the Future