Introduction to the Principles of Quranic Exegesis
Usama Al-Sayyid Mahmud Al-Azhari, Mostafa Badawi
1. Principle One
The influence of the relation of the Qur'an and the various sciences on defining the tools and resources of the exegete
2. Principle Two
The levels of Qur'anic guidance and their influence on the exegete's understanding of the Qur'an's universal address
3. Principle Three
The Qur'an explains itself
4. Principle Four
The Prophet's Sunna is the second of the two Revelations, its source is the Qur'an and it is the explanation of its meanings
5. Principle Five
The exegete must acquaint himself with the Science of the Principles of Jurisprudence, because it contains important rules for understanding the text and analyzing it
6. Principle Six
The need of the exegete to keep up with the amplification in the meanings of verbal expressions that accompany the expansion of the limits of knowledge of a given civilization and the cumulative effects in its experiences
7. Principle Seven
The effects of grasping the various manners in which the Qur'an affects the soul on understanding and analyzing the text, and the necessity of learning that method
8. Principle Eight
The stories of the Prophets are expositions of the various cognitive styles governing humans throughout history
9. Principle Nine
The axes of the various surah of the Qur'an and their influence on understanding the text
10. Principle Ten
Fundamental principles of the Qur'an or independent inference: a practical method applied by the community over the centuries to derive benefit from the verses of the Qur'an
11. Principle Eleven
Divine existential laws governing human societies permeate the Book and form the subject of one of the essential sciences of the Qur'an
12. Principle Twelve
The Science of Qur'anic Purposes, one of the most important tools of the exegete
13. Principle Thirteen
Effect of the Science of Derivatives on understanding the text