The Life of the Prophets in the Grave
Imam Jalal Al-Din Al-Suyuti, Shaykh Fakhruddin Owaisi
Translation with Notes by Rashad Jameer
The Life of the Prophets in the Grave a.s. is a brilliant volume for those who venerate Allah's prophets, especially Allah's Beloved, spreading about the Prophets being 'dead and gone', Imam al-Suyuti answers a question in regards to the hadith of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w returning the salutations (salam) of those who send prayers and salutations (salat and Salam) upon him, and in doing so, unpacks oceans of meaning for us and provides profound explanations and timeless insights into The Life of the Prophets in the Grave a.s.
Next, Shaykh Fakhruddin Owaisi's treatise wonderfully compliments the topic at hand by providing simple, yet convincing proofs for The Life of the Prophets in the Grave a.s. Citing indisputable verses of the Quran, authentic Hadiths, statements from the illustrious Salaf (Early Muslims), and answering baseless objections, followed by concise, contextualising commentary, none will be beguiled about The Life of the Prophets in the Grave a.s.