Remembering the Beloved Prophet
Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanawi
Muhammad Sajid Younus (translation)
Paperback, 132 pages
Radiating Scent in the Beloved Prophet's Dhikr
Remembering and mentioning the Prophet ﷺ is not just a praiseworthy act but an obligation in Islam. Only through his remembrance does one truly get to know him and only after getting to know him can one realistically attempt to follow and love him. This famous risala of Shaykh Ashraf Ali Thanvi attempts to fulfil this need of remembering and mentioning the Beloved Prophet ﷺ by providing the reader with sound and authentic narrations of his virtues, excellences and particularities as well as accounts of key moments of his life, from his very creation to his life in the grave and ultimately his station in Allah’s Court and entering into Paradise. It also describes the virtues of his father, grandfather and his family as well as his miracles and rights over his ummah. The risala then ends with a discussion of sending blessings upon him as well as taking his waseela in a supplication to Allah. The shaykh also reveals that this remembrance of the Prophet is a cure for all ills, whether worldly such as plague and inflation or spiritual such a sin and discord.