Sins: Poisons of the Heart
Haifaa Younis
Paperback, 104 pages
Many of us are unaware that some things we do are actually sins - acts of disobedience to Allah (swt). Even when we are aware of them, we don't think that our sins can have negative consequences for us, in our relationship with Allah (swt), other people, and even the world. Learning about sins is an eye-opening, transforming experience that changes your heart and mind. Furthermore, it makes you look at the world from a new perspective which can change your life forever. Discover, dissect and digest how to prevent and even overcome that which poisons the heart of the believer.
1. The Importance of Learning About Sins
- Do Not Undermine Sins
- Immorality
- Self-Accountability
- Lessons from the Prophets
2. Major Sins: The Poison that Kills the Heart
3. Sins Cause a Deficiency in Knowledge and Worship
4. Sins Weaken our Relationship with Allah
5. Sins Strengthen our Relationship with Shaytan
6. Sins cause Affliction
7. Sins affect the Heart