The Drama of Atheist Humanism
Henri de Lubac
Paperback, 539 pages
Henri de Lubac traces the spiritual and historical origins of what we now know as contemporary atheism, which claims to have 'moved beyond God'. He focuses on three 19th-century thinkers who attempted to construct a humanism apart from God: Ludwig Feuerbach, who greatly influenced Karl Marx; Friedrich Nietzsche, who represents nihilism; and August Comte, the father of positivism. He then discusses the role of Fyodor Dostoevsky, whose novels show characters striving to embrace an anti-Christian humanism and living the ugly consequences.
Henri de Lubac is considered one the of the most important Christian theologians of the 20th century.
Part One: Atheist Humanism
I. Feuerbach and Nietzsche
II. Nietzsche and Kierkegaard
III. The Spiritual Battle
Part Two: Auguste Compte and Christianity
I. The Meaning of Comtian Atheism
II. Christianity and Catholicism
III. Positivist Transpositions
Part Three: Dostoevsky as Prophet
I. Comparison with Nietzsche
II. The Bankruptcy of Atheism
III. Experience of Eternity
Part Four: Mystical Confrontations
I. The Search for a New Man
II. Nietzsche as Mystic