Meeting Muhammadﷺ
Omar Suleiman
Hardback, 260
Through 30 beautifully detailed chapters with narrations from companions, take a journey to knowing the Prophetﷺ and loving himﷺ and feel what it was like to be a companion of his in this life and strive to be his companion in the next.
1. His Appearance
2. His Blessed Demeanour
3. Attending His Khutbah
4. Praying Behind Him
5. Sitting in His Circle
6. With Him in the Trenches
7. Celebrating With Him
8. When He Played With Your Kids
9. Inviting Him to Your Home
10. When He Joked With You
11. When You Thought You Were His Best Friend
12. When You Needed His Help
13. When No One Else Noticed
14. When He Was Angry
15. When He Saw Oppression
16. When You Thought He Cursed You
17. If You Claimed He Hurt You
18. When You Sought His Forgiveness
19. When You Became Embarrassed
20. When You Noticed His Poverty
21. When He Lost His Child
22. When He Received Revelation
23. When He Performed Miracles
24. When Jibril Met Him
25. Late Night Incidents With Him
26. When He Listened to Your Night Prayers
27. The Most Amazing Thing About Him
28. When He Prayed For Us
29. The Pain of His Death
30. Longing for His Presence