Muhammad The Best of Creation s.a.w.
Shaykh Muhammad 'Alawi al-Maliki
Amjad Mahmood, tr.
Second Edition
A Glimpse of His Blessed Life
This two-part treatise is a translation of Shaykh Muḥammad ibn 'Alawi al-Maliki’s Ta'rikh al-ḥawadith wa al-ahwal al-nabawiyyah (The History of the Prophetic Events and States), a comprehensive summary of some of the most authoritative and voluminous works written on the Prophetic biography.
The first part deals with various aspects of the Prophet's life, such as his early years before receiving revelation, members of his family, his servants, miracles, signs of his prophethood, the weapons he used in battle, the beasts he rode, the clothes he wore, furniture, the text of some of the letters he sent out and so forth.
The second part is a chronological summary of the most important events to have taken place in his life.
Part One: A Summary of the Prophet's States ﷺ and Matters Unique to His Noble Person
1: Lineage and Early Life
2: Description of the Beloved
3: The Noble Household
4: The Migration
5: The Office of Prophethood
6: Miracles
7: Leaving This World
Part Two: Chronology of the Main Events During His Era ﷺ
8: Life in Mecca
9: Life in Medina