Ahmad Al-Ghazali, Remembrance, and the Metaphysics of Love
Joseph Lumbard
This work provides the first examination of Ahmad al-Ghazali and his work in Western scholarly literature. The author seeks to ascertain the authenticity of works attributed to Ahmad al-Ghazali, trace the development of the dominant trends in the biographical literature, and reconstruct the life and times of Ahmad al-Ghazali with particular attention to his relationship with his more famous brother, Abu Hamid al-Ghazali. Lumbard’s findings revolutionise our understanding of Ahmad al-Ghazali's writings, allowing for focus on his central teachings regarding Divine Love and the remembrance of God.
Part I Life and History
Chapter 1
- Sources for the Ahmad al-Ghazali Tradition
- Works by Ahmad al-Ghazali
- Primary Sources
Chapter 2
- The Life and Times of Ahmad al-Ghazali
- The Saljuqs
- The Stages of Ahmad al-Ghazali’s Life
Part II Practice and Teachings
Chapter 3
- Ahmad al-Ghazali’s Spiritual Practice
- Spiritual Practice
- Summary of Practice
Chapter 4
- The Roots of Ahmad al-Ghazali’s Teachings
- Satanology
- Love
- Love in Sufi Literature Before the 6th/12th Century
Chapter 5
- Ahmad al-Ghazali’s Metaphysics of Love
- Between Form and Meaning
- The Oneness of Love
- The Stages of the Path