Millennium Discourses
Shaykh Ebrahim Etsko Schuitema
Paperback, 187 Pages
This book is a collection of impromptu discourses delivered by Shaykh Etsko Schuitema after sessions of dhikr with his students.
Using numerous real-life examples, the shaykh peels back the facade of the everyday to reveal the realities of the way we live our lives, and the relationship we have with the One who created us.
An excerpt: ""The practice of being human is the practice of worship. And that means that you understand in every moment that stands before you that you don't know. You look at it with fresh eyes and you are surprised because you see His hand in it. That can only happen if you stop paying attention to your own inner dialogue, so that you can give due attention to the moment that faces you, in an innocent and unpresumptuous way.
It is to that end that we do acts of worship. It is to that end that we do dhikr. It is to that end that we do salah. All of these, if they serve their purpose, will deliver you to a quiet place. That place is a silencing of your inner dialogue."
Viewed as a totality, the discourses have the potentiality to dress one's view of the world with the robes of presence, gratitude and true servanthood.
Selected Contents (5/30):
1. Iqraa - Reading the text
2. Seeing Things as They Are
3. Consciousness - Moment by Moment
4. Freeing the Breath
5. Not Knowing