Reflective Heart: Discovering Spiritual Intelligence in Ibn 'Arabi's Meccan Illuminations
James Winston Morris
The Reflective Heart is about the ways we gradually discover the deeper significance of all the familiar elements of our everyday life—not just those memorable moments we ordinarily view as "spiritual". Spiritual intelligence—the illuminating interplay of our uniquely individual experience, reflection, and practice—is at the heart of every world religious tradition, and Ibn ‘Arabi is renowned for his ability to communicate the unfolding dimensions of this fundamental human task. His Meccan Illuminations provide a powerful spiritual mirror for each reader’s own experiences, while highlighting those larger perspectives that ultimately give meaning and direction to our life. In this compelling and insightful book, James Morris takes us to the spiritual core of the Islamic tradition, as we come to see the heart as the meeting ground between the Divine and that which is most human in all of us. Here the heart reveals itself as a dynamic and transformative faculty, where the discovery of one’s own true self is wed to the intimate knowing of God.