Major Sins
Imam Sham ad-Din adh-Dhahabi
This book is unusual among Imam adh-Dhahabi's works in that rather than being addressed to specialist scholars, it was written for a general readership and covers themes that are relevant to all Muslims both with regard to their religion and their daily lives. In clear language and with great psychological insight, accompanied by scrupulous adherence to the most authentic sources, it unmasks the true nature of human wrongdoing and unveils the pitfalls that lie in wait for all human beings during the course of their lives in this world. It is a wake-up call for the heedless, an admonishment for the wrongdoer and a sound guide for those who desire to take the right path to what is pleasing to their Lord.
May we all realize our abject poverty and need for the forgiveness and Mercy of Allah, and the Intercession of our Master Muhammad s.a.w.