Twilight of a World
Mostafa al-Badawi
The Signs of the Times and the Approaches of the Hour According to Islam
1. The Prophet’s Knowledge
2. Five Things That God Only Knows?
3. The Inevitability of Deterioration and the Gradual Weakening of Religion
4. Causes of Deterioration
5. Disturbance of the Balance of Blessings
6. Disturbance of the Order of Priorities
7. Manifestations and Consequences of Corruption
8. From Order to Disorder
9. The Peril of the Renegades
10. Important Events Preceding the Major Signs
11. The First of the Major Signs: Dajjal
12. The Second Coming of Jesus
13. Gog and Magog
14. The Beast
15. The Wind, the Reappearance of Idol Worshipping, and the Appearance of the Fire
16. Summary of the Major Signs
17. The Muslims’ Position