Greatest Stories from the Quran HB
Ages 7 and above
30 action-packed Quran stories cover the periods from the Creation of the Prophet Adam a.s. to the devastating floods of the Prophet Nuh a.s., from the days of cruelty of Firawn to the times of the Prophet Musa a.s., from the days of the Prophet Isa a.s., to the advent of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Each one of these stories is short enough to finish in one sitting.
In the Beginning
The Garden of Paradise
The Sacrifice of the Brothers
The Ark and the Prophet Nuh a.s.
The Great Flood
Allah's Best Friend
The Lonely, Barren Valley
The Great Sacrifice
The First Call for Hajj
The Pious Man and His Sons
Sweet Patience
The Family Unites
The Queen Who Saved the Baby
Allah Speaks to Musa a.s.
The King's Magicians
The Cruel King Drowned
The Prophet King
The Valley of Ants
The Queen and the Bird
The Most Honorable Woman
Food from the Heavens
Sleepers in the Cave
Tale of a Fish
The Iron Wall
The Story of Two Gardens
The Camel and the Evil People
The Most Patient Man
The Search for Truth
The Best Caller to God's Way
The Prophet Muhammad's Message of Peace