No Truth Without Beauty: God, the Qur'an, and Women's Rights
Leena El-Ali
Khaled Abou El Fadl (Foreword)
Paperback, 306 pages
Part 1: First the Quran, then Islam
1. A Spiritual Journey
2. Hadith Corpus
3. Hadith Content
4. Women and the Development of Hadith Literature
Part 2: The Nature of Women
5. Women Were Not Created of Inferior Celestial Material
6. Eve Is Not Blamed for the Fall from Eden, Nor Are Women Guilty By Association
7. Women are Not a Constant Source of Social Discord: Nor Naturally Conniving!
8. Women Were Created with the Exact Same Spiritual and Intellectual Capacity as Men
9. When Men Deprive Women of their Free Will, They Are Not Protecting Anyone
10. God Does Not Prefer Sons over Daughters
Part 3: The Rights of Women
11. Women Were Not Meant to be Subordinate to Men
12. Inheritance
13. Nuptials
14. Marriage
15. Divorce
Part 4: Some Inconvenient Truths
16. Clothing
17. Segregation
18. Witnesses
Part 5: Carnal Matters
19. Sexual Misconduct
20. Domestic Violence
21. Virgins: There are no 72 Virgins Waiting for Anyone in Paradise