Reformation of Character
Hadrat Mawlana Shah Hakim Muhammad Akhtar
Paperback, 112 pages
The Prophet s.a.w. said: “Verily the most beloved and closest of you to me on the Day of Judgment will be the ones with the most excellent character, and the worst and most distant of you from me on the Day of Judgment will be the prideful and arrogant ones.” From this single statement of our beloved Prophet s.a.w., we can gauge the lofty status of excellent character and the detrimental effect of evil character. When deeply analyzed, it is realized that evil character traits are the root causes of all social ills, every manifestation of strife, and the general disharmony that plagues humanity.
Hence, removing these diseases from the heart is crucial and the only avenue towards success in this life and the hereafter. Allah Most High says, “Indeed, successful is the one who purified (the self) and failed is the one who defiled it…”
This concise yet comprehensive book was written by one of the great sages and illustrious scholars of the modern era – the late Knower of Allah, Hadrat Mawlana Hakim Muhammad Akhtar (may Allah have mercy on him) – as a beginner’s guide to reforming one’s character.
- On Noble Character
- On Evil Character
- Reformation of Character
Part One - Noble Character:
Tawba - Repentance
Khawf - Fear
Raja’ - Hope
Haya’ - Modesty
Shukr - Gratitude
Fulfilling Promises
Sabr - Patience
Ikhlas - Sincerity
Muraqabah - Meditating on Allah Most High
Concentration while Reciting the Holy Quran
Concentration in Salat
Methods for Attaining Allah’s Love
Which Servants Receive Allah’s Love?
Respect for Elders
Compassion for the Vulnerable
Taslim, Rida, Tafwid & Du’a - Submission, Pleasure, Resignation of Affairs, & Supplication
Combining Tafwid and Du’a
Tawakkul - Reliance
Incorrect Notions Regarding Tawakkul
Part Two - Evil Character:
The Cure for Kibr - Regarding Oneself as Great
The Cure for Kibr and ‘Ujub - Conceitedness
An Uncertainty Concerning ‘Ujub & Its Answer
Destruction of the Spiritual Wayfarers
The Cure for Arrogance
Riya’ - Ostentation and its Cure
The Difference between Riya’, ‘Ujub & Kibr
The Difference between Arrogance & Shyness
Arrogance in the Form of Humility
The Cure of Jealousy
Malice and its Cure
The Cure for Greed and Love of the World
Inappropriate Anger and its Cure
Exemplary Incidents of Controlling Anger
A Beautiful and Effective Reflection to Cure Anger
Evil Glances, Treachery of the Heart & Worshipping of Beauty
The Cure for Evil Glances & Worshipping of Beauty
Reformation for Children
Reformation for those who are Mature
Evil Thoughts and their Cure
Twenty Evils of the Tongue
The Cure for Diseases of the Tongue
Vulgar Language
Not Forgiving People’s Mistakes
Abstaining from Speaking
Promises and Trusts
The Important Advice of Hakim al-Ummah Thanwi Regarding One’s Shaykh