The Mawlid of the Greatest Praise
Ibn Arabi
Dr. Ali Hussain (translation)
Paperback, 118 pages
This book is a humble attempt that follows in the footsteps of a long list of blessed works in the mawlid genre and praise poetry of the Prophet Muhammadﷺ such as Mawlid al-Daybaʿi, the Burdah by Imam al-Busairi, Mawlid al-Ḍiyāʾ al-Lāmiʿ (The Shimmering Light) by Habib ʿUmar b. Hafiz and countless others.
Whereas other works in the mawlid genre usually discuss the physical birth of the Prophetﷺ, this book focuses instead on the blessed birth of his realityﷺ, known among Sufi saints as al-ḥaqīqa al-muḥammadiyya (the Muhammadan Reality) or al-nūr al-muḥammadī (the Muhammadan Light), which heﷺ describes in a ḥadīth as God's first creation.