Who Are the Real Chosen People?
Reuven Firestone
Paperback, 176 pages
The Meaning of Choseness in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Explores the idea of covenant, and the expressions of supersessionism as articulated through the scriptures of the three major monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Introduction: The Language of Chosenness
1 In the Beginning ...
2 Chosenness in the Ancient Near East
3 Best Practice Models and Religious Success
4 Chosenness and Covenant in the New Testament
5 Chosenness and Covenant in the Qur'an
6 Chosenness and Covenant in Rabbinic Literature
7 The Merit of the Ancients
8 The Legacy of Chosenness
9 Does Redemption Require Election?
Conclusion: Retaining Our Uniqueness while Affirming the Other