40 Hadith Collection Box Set
Shahrul Hussain, Zahed Fettah
Six Paperback Books in Set
This box set is a selection of six books each covering forty beautiful and most authentic Hadith from six different scholars. The Hadith are accompanied by an easy-to-follow explanation which makes it accessible to readership of all levels and all age ranges. Each volume covers themes regarding manners and etiquettes, the character of a Muslim, exhortations and admonitions, remembrance of Allah, knowledge, and action, and beliefs. The aim of this book is to give the reader a flavour of Hadith literature with the hope it opens the doors for readers to enquire more about Hadith.
Books Included:
40 Hadith from Sahih al Bukhari
40 Hadith from Sahih Muslim
40 Hadith from Jami' al Tirmidhi
40 Hadith from Sunan Abu Dawud
40 Hadith from Sunan Ibn Majah
40 Hadith from Sunan al Nasa'i