Dissolving into Being: The Wisdom of Sufi Philosophy
William Rory Dickson
Paperback, 360 pages
Dissolving into Being is a brilliant new introduction to Sufi mystical philosophy, a tradition traced back to the works of Sufism’s most renowned master, Ibn ‘Arabi (d. 1240). To help bridge the gap between specialized studies of Ibn ‘Arabi and a more general readership, Dissolving into Being highlights several of his insights, on subjects ranging from the origin of the world and the reality of love, to the nature of life after death, destiny, peace and conflict, and religious diversity, all through an exploration of his masterwork Gemstones of Wisdom (Fusus al-hikam).
This excellent book will appeal to anyone seeking a new approach to Sufi thought as well as those familiar with Ibn ʿArabi's ideas, especially those who want to explore the Gemstones of Wisdom.