Downpour of Blessings (2-volume Set)
Khalid Baig
Paperback, 904 pages
This collection of Hadith distills the wisdom from several well-known commentaries, both classic and contemporary. The nearly one thousand hadiths in this work cover all subject areas that touch our lives as Muslims, including belief, acts of worship, social interaction, business, family life, gender relations, food and clothing, medicine, attitudes, insights, emotions, etiquette, character building, outlook on life, and worldview. The selection is mainly guided by the Maʿārif al-Ḥadīth of Maulana Manzoor Nomani. As a thorough course of Hadith study for the general reader, this has been the book of choice in Urdu ever since it was first published in 1953.
The hadith have been taken directly from sourcebooks and full references in Arabic have been provided with a new organization, translation, and commentary. A chapter on al-Ṭibb al-Nabawī has also been added. In addition to a subject index in English, it also features an index in Arabic, which will facilitate searching for hadith.