Gifts for the Seeker PI
Imam al-Haddad
1: The Science of Unification
2: The Presence of God
3: Explications
4: Whom We Perceive Ourselves as Receiving From
5: Reciting Surah al-Waqiah and a Word of Caution
6: The reason why reciting a specific surah yet a person does not see its benefits
7: Listening to a Spiritual Recital [Sama’]
8: Knowing a thing is distinct from knowing that one knows it
9: Knowledge brings to fruition spiritual states
10: It is Insufficient to Know that Allah is One in Performing an Act of Obedience to Allah
11: Involuntary Thoughts [Khawatir]
12: Relationship between the Tongue, the Mind and the Heart
13: Difference between Jealousy for Allah and Envy
14: Dreams and Visions
15: Epilogue - Explanation of the Ode of Habib Abu Bakr Al Aydarus