Good Character
Musa Kasim Gulcur
A Comprehensive Guide to Manners and Morals in Islam
Good character has always been the key feature of a person of perfect faith as perfection of faith demands a moral character and the best of conduct toward all existence. Being a person of good character can best be achieved by discerning good from bad and right from wrong, observing the limits set by God in the Scripture and emulating personal examples. The best morals, those which will never become outdated, are those taught in the Qur'an and applied in the life of the Prophet Muhammad, the Best of Creation.
The purpose of this work is to facilitate "adab in practice", or the way of living outlined in Islam. To this end, there is an effort to enable practical applications for the benefit of the reader by addressing the topics one at a time. The author begins each topic with Qur'anic verses, and further clarifies the issue with the practices of the Prophet Muhamad, who is the paragon of good character representing an ideal for all humanity to aspire to.
All the areas the author has chosen to focus on in this extensive guide fr morality are indispensable for our daily life and applicable to the people of today and tomorrow. When these guidelines for morality are truly practiced and lived, not just outwardly, they lead to the development of a moral character that brings harmony between the spiritual and the physical, the outward and the inward.
Chapter 1: Character and Ethics
Building Good Character
The Nature and Types of Duty
Divinely-Ordained Duties
Individual Duties
Family Duties
Social Duties
The Ethics of Decent Behaviour In Islam
The word adab
The word muasharat (social etiquette)
Chapter 2: Good Education and Upbringing
Studying and Learning
Teacher-Student Relations
Proper Attitude towards Scholars
Teacher Etiquette
Student Etiquette
Practicing Good Conduct in the Family
Treating Children with Compassion
Treating the Elderly with Respect
Kissing the Hands of the Elderly and Esteemed People
Proper Attitudes Towards Parents
Care of Kin
Jealousy and Rivalry Among Siblings
Respecting Privacy at Home
Clothing and Outer Appearances
Chapter 3: What Good Character Requires
Hilm (Gentleness)
The Hilm (Gentleness) of the Prophet
Defusing Hatred and Animosity
Returning Evil with Good
Modesty, Shyness, and Feeling Ashamed of Wrong Acts
Honesty in Speech
Honesty in Character
Honesty in Business
Humor and Jokes
Teasing and Mocking
Making a Mockery of Faith
Showing Off
The Subject of Ostentation in the Hadith
Ostentation and Exceptional Circumstances
Keeping Secrets
Avoiding the Evils of the Tongue
Gossiping and Tale Bearing
Avoiding an Evil Attitude Toward Others
The Subject of Hasad in the Hadith
Neutralizing Hasad
Safeguarding the Good Name of Others
Verifying What One Hears
Chapter 4: Promoting Good Character in Social Life
Shaking Hands
Breaking Off Relations
Praying for Blessings upon Sneezing
Etiquette of Advising Others and Public Speaking
The Rights of Neighbours
Visiting Friends
Asking for Permission
Accepting Invitations
Being Clean and Polite at Gatherings
Visiting the Sick
Funeral Etiquette
Visiting Graves
Good Will and Helping Others
Mosque Etiquette