How to Read the Qur'an: A New Guide, With Select Translations
Carl W. Ernst
Paperback, 288 pages
This is an ideal introduction to the Qur'an, featuring the most up-to-date methods for reading and understanding the text. It deals with sensitive issues regarding the interpretation of sacred texts as well as differing points of view and major debates. A substantial explanatory introduction summarises the historical and literary issues and engages with the religious and political context of understanding the Qur'an today, including an appreciation of the ritual and oral uses of text.
Introduction: The Problem with Reading the Qur'an
1: The History and the Form of the Qur'an and the Practices of Reading
2: Early Meccan Suras
3: Middle and Later Meccan Suras
4: Medinan Suras
Conclusion: Toward a Literary Reading of the Qur'an
Appendix A: Reading the Structure of the Meccan Suras
Appendix B: Ring Structure in Sura 2 and Sura 5
Appendix C: Suggested Interpretive Exercises