Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy
Carrie York Al-Karam, ed.
Paperback, 269 Pages
Uniting Faith and Professional Practice
Integrating the Islamic faith with modern psychotherapy is at the forefront of the spiritually integrated psychotherapy movement. To bring this work to wider attention and to promote its continuation, Dr. Carrie York Al-Karam has brought together the present volume of nine essays, each of which is written by a Muslim clinician who practices Islamically integrated psychotherapy (IIP)—a modern approach that unites the teachings, principles, and interventions of the faith with Western therapeutic approaches.
Selected Contents (5/9):
1. An Islamic Theoretical Orientation to Pyschotheraphy, Abdallah Rothman, LPC
2. Utilization of Islamic Principles in Marital Counselling, Layla Asamarai, PsyD
3. The HEART Method: Healthy Emotions Anchored in RasoolAllah's Teachings: Cognitive Theraphy Using Prophet Mohammed as a Psycho-Spiritual Exemplar, Farah Lodi, MA, CCC
4. Conducting Spiritually Integrated Family Theraphy with Muslim Clients Utilizing a Culturally Responsive Paradigm, Afshana Haque, PhD, LMFT-S
5. Integrating Islamic Spirituality into Psychodynamic Theraphy with Muslim Patients, Ibrahim Rüschoff, MD and Paul M.Kaplick, BSc