A Concise Biography of the Prophet (Nur al-Uyun)
Imam Abul Fath Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Sayyid an-Nas
A Concise Biography of the Trustworthy and Reliable Prophet s.a.w.
While other biographical literature varies widely in terms of author ship, authenticity, length, breadth of detail and historical, cultural and religious perspective, this work attempts to assimilate the most beneficial aspects of all these features. At once concise and comprehensive, it relies heavily on rigorously authenticated (sahih) and fully referenced sources, and is brimming with knowledge that 'delights the soul and adorns the pages'. Its Arabic edition has consequently achieved the status of an indispensable manual for both the adept and budding student of knowledge.
IMAM ABU'L-FATH MUHAMMAD IBN MUHAMMAD, better known as Ibn Sayyid an-Näs (671-734/1273-1334) was a renowned Egyptian hadith expert and man of letters. He devoted his life to the earnest pursuit of sacred knowledge, excelling in many disciplines associated with hadith literature and the Arabic language.