Migo and Ali: Love for the Prophets
Zanib Mian, Tugrul Karacan (Illustrator)
Hardback, 161 Pages
Suitable for children Ages 5 and above
This delightful hardback book contains vibrantly illustrated stories of the prophets, from Adam (as) to Muhammad ﷺ. These stories are concise, and told in engaging, child-friendly language. A delightful question and answer session after each story is also unique in its style, depicted as a conversation between the two lovable characters.
1. Introduction
2. The story of Adam (as)
3. The story of Nuh (as)
4. The story of Salih (as)
5. The story of Ibrahim (as)
6. The story of Ismail (as)
7. The story of Ishaaq (as)
8. The story of Yusuf & Yaqub (as)
9. The story of Ayub (as)
10. The story of Yunus
11. The story of Musa (as)
12. The story of Dawud (as)
13. The story of Sulaiman (as)
14. The story of Zakariyah & Yahya (as)
15. The story of Esa (as)
16. The story of Muhammad ﷺ