O Brother
Dr Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri
Hardback, 325 pages
The good and the evil do not go hand in hand. If we perform right actions persistently but adulterate good with blind animal passions, it will not result in inner peace and tranquillity. When religious activities are coupled with dark traits - evil thoughts, back biting, self-interest, narcissism or corrupt practices - the essence of virtue is spoilt. Such good deeds neither light hearts nor reform character.
1: Knowledge - The Source of Muslim Glory
2: Importance of Purity Intention
3: Foundation of the Creation of Universe
4: Guilty-Consciousness and the Stages of Repentance
5: The Visible and Invisible Sins
6: Spiritualism and Materialism: Reconciling the Seemingly Irreconcilable
7: Serving Humanity
8: Reaping the Spiritual Harvest
9: The Profitable Character of Revolution
10: Minhaj-ul-Quran’s Cure Methodology