Outshine the Sun: 40 Muslim Women in History
Abdul Rahman Latif
Hediye Sumeyra Korkmaz (Illustration)
Paperback, 112 pages
Discover the inspiring lives of Muslim women living in every century, beginning with blessed Khadijah in 6th century Mecca right up to a present-day Turkish astrophysicist who discovered a double-ringed galaxy, Persian mountaineers who scaled Mount Everest and a Pakistani humanitarian who saves orphans and transformed the health care system.
Each life is presented first through a poetic stanza which is fun to recite and easy to learn. Then some actual words of the woman, or a relevant hadith, is provided. The significance of each illustration is explained. And this is followed by lessons one might learn from the particular life-story presented with the key points highlighted in bold.
Besides learning astounding biographic details of these exemplary women, sections of activities are offered which enable the reader-child or adult-to practice character building qualities such as mercy, patience, generosity and courage and much more.