Remembrances and Etiquettes of the Prophet
Mahdi Lock (compilation and translation)
Paperback, 216 pages
Al-adhkar wa al-adaab
The Prophetﷺ was sent as a mercy and a guide to mankind, to show them how to attain Allah's pleasure and thereby attain success in this world and the Hereafter. His
character is the Quran and he is the best example to follow for those who desire to draw nearer to their Lord.
This pocket size book contains more than 200 authentic narrations of remembrances (zikr), supplications (du'a), and etiquettes (adaab) of our beloved Prophetﷺ that any Muslim should be able to memorise, study, and put into practice.
1. Virtues
2. Upon Waking Up
3. Prayer
4. Illness
5. Funerals
6. Afflictions
7. Travelling
8. Hajj
9. The House and Clothing
10. Food
11. Marriage
12. Night and Sleep
13. Morning and Evening Remembrances
14. General Remembrances
15. Wind and Rain
16. Mingling
17. Allah's Right
18. Worship
19. The Rights of Creation
20. Cleanliness
21. Clothing and Appearance
22. The Etiquettes of Eating and Drinking
23. Social Interactions
24. The Tongue
25. Character
26. Blameworthy Qualities
27. Meeting Allah