Respecting and Honouring Our Messenger
Qadi ‘Iyad bin Musa al-Yahsubi
Bilingual Arabic and English
Paperback, 76 pages
This book is an extract taken from Qadi Iyad’s renowned and celebrated work al-Shifa. Respecting & Honouring Our Messenger ﷺ is focused on the extraordinary level of respect shown towards the Prophet ﷺ by the early generations of Muslims.
The seven sections include:
• Important verses of the Qur'an on the subject of honoring the Prophet ﷺ
• How the Companions respected, honored, and revered the Prophet ﷺ
• Respecting the Prophet ﷺ after his death, and when mentioning him, and respect for his Ahl al-Bayt and his Companions
• The respect of the Salaf for the transmission of Prophetic hadith and for his Sunnah
• The importance of respecting the Prophet's Family • as demonstrated by the Salaf
• Respect for the Companions and devotion to them
• The respect held by the Prophet ﷺ for his possessions, for his locality, and for places he visited or that are well-known because of him ﷺ