Secret of Secrets: Sirr al-Asrar
Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani, Tosun Bayrak (tr.)
This work reveals the very essence of Sufism, showing how outward practices such as prayer, fasting and almsgiving contain a wealth of inner dimensions which must be discovered if external actions are to be performed in a manner pleasing to God. When this is achieved, the soul finds true peace and the spiritual life becomes complete.
1: Man’s Return Home to the Original Source
2: The Descent of Man to the Lowest of the Low
3: The Places of the Souls within the Body
4: On Knowledge
5: On Repentance and On Teaching by the Word
6: On Islamic Mysticism and the Sufis
7: On Remembrance
8: The Necessary Conditions for Remembrance
9: On The Vision of Allah: Arriving at the Level of Seeing the Manifestation of the Divine Essence
10: The Veils of Light and Darkness
11: The Joy of Being Good and the Misery of the Rebel
12: The Dervishes
13: On the Purification of the Self
14: On the Meaning of Ritual Worship and Inner Worship
15: On the Purification of the Perfect Man, who has Isolated Himself from, and Stripped Himself of, All Worldly Concerns
16: On Charity
17: On Fasting Prescribed by the Religion and On Spiritual Fasting
18: On the Pilgrimage to Makka and the Inner Pilgrimage to the Essence of the Heart
19: On Witnessing Divine Truth through the State of Peace Coming from Abandonment of the Worldly and through Ecstasy
20: On Withdrawing from the World into Seclusion and On Solitude
21: Prayers and Recitations Pertaining to the Path of Seclusion
22: On Dreams
23: On the Followers of the Mystical Path
24: Afterword