Show Up: A Motivational Message for Muslim Women
Na'ima B. Robert
Paperback, 160 pages
An author's reflection on her life journey
“I found him unconscious on the bed really on Saturday morning and, within two weeks, he was gone. A shock. An out-of-the-blue, out of nowhere, blindsiding shock.”
When award-winning author and magazine editor Na’ima B. Robert lost her husband of 15 years and found herself solely responsible for their five children and her late husband’s company, the entire axis of her world shifted. Suddenly, she was a widow, a single mother, and a reluctant CEO.
But, through her faith in Allah’s plan for her and her decision to choose gratitude over despair, she was able to rise from the tragedy and show up differently: more present, more confident, more powerful, more grateful than ever.
So many of us sleepwalk through life: frustrated, unhappy and lacking confidence in our abilities and accomplishments, destined never to reach our full potential. We allow our limiting beliefs to hold us back. We allow our challenges to define us. We allow other people’s expectations to imprison us.
’Show Up: A Motivational Message for Muslim Women’ is based on the lessons Na’ima learnt on her journey, inviting the reader to show up, authentically and sincerely, in their lives, casting aside the role of victim and instead, living as the hero of their own life story.
The book is replete with personal stories, quotes from Qur’an, hadith and contemporary thinkers like Seth Godin, Brené Brown and others, as well as action points and space for the reader to reflect and apply the principles.
“Na’ima brings out our dynamism by letting us see her (usually invisible) fragility. I was crying by page ten and ready to take on the world a chapter later! This is a boost in times of global fear and personal challenges!” — Lauren Booth, Author ‘Finding Peace in the Holy Land’ and ‘Accidentally Muslim’
The Loss
WHAT is ‘Showing Up’?
Showing up: A Prophetic Sunnah
What does ‘Showing Up’ in YOUR life look like?
Showing up for yourself
Showing up for your relationship
Showing up for your children
Showing up for your family
Showing up for your dreams
Circle of Influence
The HOW of ‘Showing Up’
Step One: Be Intentional
Step Two: Be Positive
Step Three: Cultivate Gratitude
Step Four: Have Courage
Step Five: Embrace Flow
Step Six: Be You!
Appendix: Bonus Material