Sufism in the Context of Modernism: The Concept of Adab in Naquib al-Attas
Selami Erdogan
This work is focused on the views of Naquib al-Attas, analyses, and suggestions on the loss of adab, (meaning good manners or refinement or etiquette ), which serves as an introduction to the main subject that is discussed throughout the book: the comprehension of the Divine Order that comprises the realities of the universe. All objects have their places in this order, which often demonstrates a hierarchical structure, and this structure is to be conceived in a setting of reason, revelation, and wisdom.
Chapter I: An Overview of the Meaning of Adab
1. The Meaning of Adab in Islamic Thought and Sufism: Before Modernism
2. The Meaning of Adab in Islamic Thought: Through Modernism
3. The Islamic Worldview: A Theoretical Framework of Adab in Relation to the Islamic Worldview according to al-Attas
4. The Meaning of Adab according to al-Attas
Chapter II: Metaphysical Aspects of Adab
1. The Framework of the Metaphysical Aspects of Knowledge and the Concept of Adab
2. The Metaphysical Aspect of Knowledge
3. The Metaphysical Aspect of Entities
4. The Metaphysical Aspect of Man and His Cognition