The Maghazi of Sayyiduna Muhammadﷺ
Musa ibn 'Uqbah
Paperback, 238 pages
English-Only Edition
This text is the first English translation of The Maghāzī of Sayyidunā Muhammad ﷺ by the eminent Tabi'i scholar Musa ibn 'Uqbah, the earliest biography of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ currently known to exist.
A sub-genre within the field of Prophetic studies, the maghāzī literature covers the battles and military expeditions of the Prophetic era, and by extension, the biography of the Prophet ﷺ as well. The maghāzī literature is thus both historical and religious in its scope. What sets The Maghāzī of Sayyidunā Muhammad ﷺ apart, even among the works of maghāzī and sīrah, is the fact that its author, Musa ibn 'Uqbah, was a muhaddith first and foremost, and as such, adhered to strict requirements for documentation of both narrators and narrations in his works. The result is that his Maghāzī is a work of history that is documented almost to the same standards as a work of hadith, thus acclaimed by his contemporaries and scholars of later generations, as the most authentic work of its genre.
Until recently, no copies of The Maghāzī of Sayyidunā Muhammad ﷺ had been seen for over 400 years, and most scholars believed the text to be lost forever. Thus the good fortune of its reappearance cannot be overstated. The discovery of its manuscripts in the National Library of Tunisia archives is a significant event, the like of which the Ummah may not see again for many years, if ever. Ninety-one folios were found, which together contain approximately three-quarters of the original text.
The Turning of the Qiblah Towards the Kabah
The Battle of Badr
The Battle of Uhud
The Battle of the Trench
The Battle of the Banú Qurayzah
The Expedition Of Hudaybiyyah
The Story of Abu Basir Ibn Usayd Ibn Jariyah Al-Thaqafi
The Battle of Khaybar
The Story of Safiyyah Bint Huyayy Ibn Akhtab
The 'Umrah of the Messenger Of Allah
The Battle of Mu'tah
The Liberation of Mecca
The Battle of Hunayn
The Expedition to Al-Ta'if
The 'Umrah from Al-Ji'ranah
The Hajj that Abu Bakr Led The People in When the Messengerﷺ of Allah Sent Him
The Expedition of Tabuk
The Farewell Haji