The Bayquni Poem
Imam Abdallah Sirajuddin al-Husayni
An Explanation of The Bayquni Poem In Hadith Terminology
The scholars of Hadith have spared no effort to establish the principles by which to verify narrations and deduce - with the utmost precision - what can and cannot be attributed to the Prophet (pbuh). Facilitating this quest for the beginning student, the erudite Imam ‘Umar al-Bayquni al-Dimashqi succinctly defined 34 categories of Hadith in his famous 34 verses of poetry.
Numerous commentaries upon this treatise followed, of which one of the most sought after in recent times is this masterpiece we have before us written by the master [hafiz] of Hadith and exegete of the Qur'an, Imam 'Abdallah Sirajuddin al-Husayni.
1: Clarifying the Science of Hadith
2: A Clarification of Some of the Terminology Agreed Upon in The Science of Hadith
3: Accepted Hadith
4: Rejected Hadith
5: The Categories of Hadith with Regard to Those to Whom They are Attributed
6: The Categories of Hadith with Regard to their Paths
7: The Categories of Hadith With Regard to the Chain of Narration Being Connected or Disconnected
8: Unclear, Unknown, Anomalous and Inverted
9: Investigation [I'tibar] and Its Outcomes
10: Defects, Alterations, Discrepancies and Interpolations
11: Complementary and Contrasting
12: Abandoned, Fabricated, Contradiction and Abrogation
13: Narrators, Scholars and Students