Umar al-Suhrawardi
Aydogan Kars, Ashkan Bahrani (editors)
Hardback, 340 pages
Abū Ḥafṣ ʿUmar al-Suhrawardī (1145-1234) is the author of a classic work of Muslim piety, a key figure in the rise of institutional Sufism in the form of “orders” called “ṭarīqas,” and the influential eponym of one of these famous orders. This book presents studies, editions, and English translations of his shorter treatises that were originally penned in Arabic and Persian. Relying on global archival research, the book discovers materials that shed new light on his teachings and networks, as it traces the context, sources, and reception of his works. Carefully identifying the authentic works of ʿUmar al-Suhrawardī, the book presents significant new information on a key moment in the history of Muslim piety and mysticism.
1. Nisbat al-Ṣuḥba: al-Suhrawardī’s Mentors in Sufism
2. Irshād al-Murīdīn wa Injād al-Ṭālibīn
3. Risālat al-Sayr wa-l-Ṭayr
4. Al-Lawāmiʿ al-Ghaybiyya fī-l-Rūḥ
5. Risāla fī-l-Ghināʾ wa-l-Faqr
6. Risāla dar Kār-i Murīd
7. Futūḥāt
8. Ṣifat-i Khalvat va Ādāb-i Ān
9. Risāla ilā Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī
10. Sharḥ al-Faqr
11. Risāla dar Tavba
12. Ijāza ilā Zakariyyāʾ al-Multānī
13. Manuscript Information