Wahhabism and the World
Peter Mandaville (editor)
Paperback, 352 pages
Understanding Saudi Arabia's Global Influence on Islam
For more than half a century, Saudi Arabia—through both official and non-governmental channels—has poured billions of dollars into funding and sponsoring religious activities and Islamic causes around the world. The effect has been to propagate Wahhabism, the distinctively rigid and austere form of Islam associated with the Kingdom's religious establishment, within Muslim communities on almost every continent. This volume features essays by leading scholars who explore the origins and evolution of Saudi religious transnationalism, assess ongoing debates about the impact of these influences in various regions and localities around the world, and discuss possible future trends in light of new Saudi leadership. In addition to chapters devoted to the major actors and institutions involved in Saudi global religious propagation, the volume contains a wide range of country case studies that offer in-depth analysis of the nature and impact of Saudi religious influence in nations across multiple world regions.
Part I
1. Wahhabism and the World: The Historical Evolution, Structure, and Future of Saudi Religious Transnationalism
Peter Mandaville
2. Wahhabism and Salafism in Global Perspective
Natana Delong-Bas
3. From Dir ' iyya to Riyadh: The History and Global Impact of Saudi Religious Propagation and Education
Christopher Anzalone and Yasir Qadhi
4. Salafi Publishing and Contestation over Orthodoxy and Leadership in Sunni Islam
Andrew Hammond
5. Transnational Wahhabism: The Muslim World League and the World Assembly of Muslim Youth
Reinhard Schulze
6. Humanitarian and Relief Organizations in Global Saudi Da ' wa?
Nora Derbal
Part II
7. Salafism, Education, and Youth: Saudi Arabia's Campaign for Wahhabism in Indonesia
Noorhaidi Hasan
8. Saudi Influence in Kyrgyzstan: Beyond Mosques, Schools, and Foundations
Emil Nasritdinov and Mametbek Myrzabaev
9. Saudi Arabia: A South Asian Wrecking Ball
James M. Dorsey
10. "Working for a living in the Land of Allah:" Migration from Bangladesh to Saudi Arabia and Remittances of Wahhabism
Nazli Kibria and Sultan Mohammed Zakaria
11. Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia: Between Proximity and Distance
Terje Østebø
12. Wahhabi Compromises and "Soft Salafization" in the Sahel
Alexander Thurston
13. Unpacking the Saudi-Salafi Connection in Egypt
Stéphane Lacroix
14. Arab Brothers, Arms, and Food Rations: How Salafism Made Its Way to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Harun Karcic
15. The Shifting Contours of Saudi Influence in Britain
Hira Amin