The Way of the Worshippers to the Provisions of the Hereafter
Sayyid 'Alawi bin Muhammad bin Tahir al-Haddad
Paperback, 254
English with Arabic text
The Wasilat ul-'Ibad ila Zad il-Ma'aad is a collection of Imam al-Haddad's prayers, supplications and salutations, compiled by Sayyid Alawi bin Muhammad al-Haddad. It was traditionally used by the Sada Ba Alawi as the basis to their daily invocations.
Al-Wird ul-Latif
Al-Wird ul-Kabir
Hizb ul-Fath wa an-Nasr
Hizb an-Nasr
Ratib ul-Haddad
Supplication after Ayat ul-Kursi
Supplication after Sura Yasin
Supplication after Hizb us-Sayfi
The Supplication of Strength
The Supplication of Clemency
The Supplication of Protection
The Supplication after Sura al-Fatiha
Supplication for Rain
Amongst his Supplications s.a.w
Imam al-Haddad's litanie after the prayer
The Salutations of Imam al-Haddad
Qasida: An-Nafahat ul-Anbariyya
Qasida: Qad Kafani