Way to the Quran
Khurram Murad
Paperback, 144 pages
An authoritative and accessible study guide that covers what the Quran means to the believers and sets out the essential prerequisites of body, mind, and heart that serve to light up the inner life with the Quranic worldview; the etiquette of reciting, reading, and understanding the Quran; how to study the Quran collectively; and how to live by its teachings.
1. Journey of Life
2. Basic Prerequisites
3. Participation of the Inner Self
4. Rules on Reading
5. Study and Understanding
6. Collective Study
7. Living the Quran
Appendix 1: That the Prophetﷺ Particularly Read or Emphasised
Appendix 2: Suggested Syllabuses for Quranic Study
Appendix 3: Aids to Study