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Current Book Club Reads

The Nightingale

  • Reflections on 'Burdah of Imam al-Busiri'

    Reflections on 'Burdah of Imam al-Busiri'

    We think the publishers have achieved their intention in instilling love for the Prophet SAW and much more because this new work, bound in tan leather and featuring classical illumination on each page, positively crackles with baraka.
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  • Reflections on 'With the Heart in Mind'

    Reflections on 'With the Heart in Mind'

    With the Heart in Mind is a ground-breaking work that should be read by everyone who wants to be serious about religion and wants to be serious about building a better life. If we remain unaware of our emotional and moral intelligence, we run the very real risk of jeopardising all aspects of our lives – including the lives of those we hold most dear.
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  • Reflections on 'Reader, Come Home'

    Reflections on 'Reader, Come Home'

    Won't active reading with its underlining, annotations, and cross-referencing slow down one's reading? Of course it does. And that is exactly the point. In order to benefit from reading one really needs to spend the time immersed in the text and swim among its ideas and concepts. The text is not the end. It is the beginning of a journey beyond.

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  • In Conversation With Michael Sugich

    In Conversation With Michael Sugich

    Some of the stories are raw, with violence, crime and sexuality that may be hard to take at times or seductive, depending upon the reader. Others are lyrical. Some are heartrending. Some are bizarre. They all have a purpose, which is to deconstruct the concept of Tawba, a term commonly translated as repentance but actually meaning ‘to turn’ or ‘to return’.
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  • Reflections on 'Apostate'

    Reflections on 'Apostate'

    Van Klaveren's writing and method is academic as well as personal. For the reader, these provide an intriguing peek at the work of scholars operating on a person to person level, providing guidance, insight, and above all, connection.
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