Futuwwah and Raising Males into Sacred Manhood
Imam Dawud Walid
Paperback, 168 pages
This work concisely discusses the principles within futuwwah, or spiritual chivalry, that young men should strive to embody and should inculcate into our communities. While the virtues discusses in this text are not all exclusively related to young males becoming men, this book is tailored towards males, and the specific issues faced by males as they strive to grow into the path of manhood. Just as young women need their own spaces to learn from women how to become honourable sisters, young men require their own special places to instil in them the virtues of upright brothers.
The Islamic tradition calls for a revival of organised training relating to spiritual chivalry and sacred manhood - this is the task of the hour. There are beautiful and majestic qualities embodied by the Prophetﷺ that he passed down to his family members and pious Companions. Those upright men were methodically raised up: they undertook rites of passage, and manly responsibilities which were placed upon them with expectations that they would be executed with excellence.
1. What is Futuwwah?
2. Truthfulness
3. Loving and Loathing for the Sake of Allah
4. Vigilant Care
5. Humility
6. Service Towards Others
7. Good Conduct Towards Parents
8. Deference Towards Scholars and Spiritual Masters
9. Generosity
10. Modesty
11. Restraining Sexual Desire
12. Courage
13. Sincere Advice
14. Brotherhood
15. Pardoning
16. Honouring Neighbours and Guests
17. Honourable Altruism