Rethinking Muslim Women and the Veil
Katherine Bullock
Challenging Historical and Modern Stereotypes
Until now, the bulk of literature about the veil has been written by outsiders who do not themselves veil. The literature often assumes a condescending tone about veiled women, assuming that they are making uninformed choices about veiling that makes them subservient to a patriarchal culture and religion. This work offers an alternative viewpoint, based on thoughts and experiences of Muslim women themselves.
"The veil is a flashpoint in current Islamic discourse… Dr Bullock's book deserves serious attention" - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Hanson
The Veil and Feminist Approaches
Islam and Methodology
Muslims in the West
Hijab in the Colonial Era
Perceptions and Experiences of Wearing Hijab in Toronto
Multiple Meanings of Hijab
Mernissi and the Discourse on the Veil
An Alternative Theory of the Veil