Sacrifice: The Legacy of our Beloved Prophet s.a.w.
Tameem Ahmadi
A Compilation of Hadith about the Struggles and Hardships of our Beloved Prophet s.a.w.
In this book, Shaykh Tameem Ahmadi has gathered a collection of heart-wrenching accounts of the trials and tribulations endured by the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H) for Allah’s sake. By appreciating the struggles borne by Allah’s Beloved (P.B.U.H), readers will be able to draw the strength to deal with the struggles in their own lives.
• Introduction
• Sacrifices in the Personal Life of the Beloved Prophet s.a.w
• Struggles During the Childhood of the Beloved Prophet
• His Sacrifices in Calling to the Way of Allah
• His Suffering at the Hands of the Creation
• Grief & Personal Loss Experienced by the Beloved Prophet s.a.w
• His Endurance in Worship and Devotion
• Sickness and the Final Days of the Beloved Prophet s.a.w.